Tips for Improving Customer Experience in Your Day Spa

Tips for Improving Customer Experience in Your Day Spa

A spa is a place for pampering and relaxation. Like a salon, a spa’s customer retention is vital to its success. Guests should be treated to a luxurious experience! Below, we’ll explore the best tips for improving customer experience in your day spa!

Make Customers Feel Welcome

Clients should always feel like welcomed guests when they walk into your wellness center. A spa is a place for relaxation, and when you feel like you belong there, it’s easier to take a deep breath and decompress. Make sure you or your receptionist welcomes customers when they enter the day spa, and strive to know your regulars by name.

A day spa should look like a place for relaxation. Do you have comfortable seating in the waiting area? What kind of music do you play? In the service world, these are no minor details. Your guests should feel a sense of calm from when they first walk in to when the service begins.

Have the Right Equipment

As we’ve noted, the right equipment enhances the experience for your clients and makes them feel a sense of luxury while receiving your services. Shop for esthetician beds that are easy to recline and comfortable to lay in. Keller sells the furniture you need to take your day spa one step further so that you can easily give guests the royal treatment.

You should also use quality products for your clients. While some lotions or oils may cost less, they can also be lower in quality. Your clients make appointments with you for a service they can’t achieve in their own homes; give them the unique experience they deserve.

Keep Booking Simple

When making appointments is a struggle, guests may become frustrated and try another spa. Offer online and over-the-phone options to appeal to a wider variety of people. For phone appointments, have the receptionist get a date and time from the client; this employee should also answer any questions about prices or services.

Online booking should be just as easy to navigate. Have an option on your day spa’s website to book an appointment; from here, clients can select a service, date, and time. Make it clear which dates are unavailable to avoid double booking—that creates its own type of frustration.

Send Reminders

Another way to improve customer experience in your spa is to send out reminders for appointments. Making calls or sending automated text messages ensures your clients remember their appointments and can plan their days accordingly.

Request and Listen to Feedback

After a service, ask guests how they feel to get some initial feedback on the service. The following day, send an email or text message asking for a review of their time in your day spa. This is important because feedback shows you where you should make changes to improve customer experience. Several negative reviews could signify it’s time for a change.

Thanking clients for their patronage and suggesting changes makes them feel more valued, which increases their chance of returning. Give your guests a luxurious experience every time they visit your day spa!


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